Friday 24 September 2010

weekend starts here


In Arles, lloking for the way out. Need to head SE from here I reckon.
Today has been good cycling ground, it being flat, just a breeze and bikes well catered for.

Last night ther was an almighty crack above the thunder sound and my tent collapsed in a heap. Blithering blasted barnacles, a section of the pole qhich I had been previously nurseing snapped under strain. Well, I managed to use a twig as a splint but one very wonky residence prevails.

Alsoo had to pack up very wet this morning so must try to find a place soon to air before repair, hopefully.

Mostly paddy fields around here, heard many wetland birds and passed over many flat frogs. Maybe its why French are called frogs. Saw one very large rodent, at least the as big as a good sized sausage dog. Took no notice of me at all while I took his picture, just carried on swimming slowly, munching his way through the reeds. Also seen a hedgehog who really did live in a hedge and did not eat whole wheat bread.

Rained quite a lot today but I seem to dry out quickly on the bike.

Its 1740 hrs and time to get going again to find a good patch to do some drying out and house keeping/mending.



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