Monday 27 September 2010

Marseille and beyond now

So its Sunday night and the first since I left home to be sleeping in a bed. I am staying in a Napoleonic period Chateux here in Marsaille. Having arrived by way of the very large Port, quite late this afternoon.

Earlier, the wind was still howling and often a srain just to keep moving when head on even with my lowest gear. I managed this time to get through security and cycled around the port looking at the varios ships. I boarded a couple via theee gangways and one was bound for Brazil but only in a couple of months time, another was not going anywhere for at least 5 months, and an Algerion one which I could not get near to. Only one heading in my general direction was to Corsica where another can be boarded for Italy.
It would not be easy to stow away as all have security gaurds and I noticed crew were logged in and out electronically. When I left the port at a different Sorte, it caused much confusion for the exiting gaurd who questioned where I had come from. And was suprised with the just lloking around having entered at another place. Then with a few stops to get directions,lastly at a Pizza takeaway which I can recommend ,are a good source for directions, I finally made my way to what must be the highest point in the city. Knackered.

So just had first hot shower and watch of tv which I could not understand.

This morning I also treated myself to a Mac D's coffee, a large one at €1 was extravigant but managed to do blog, charge phone and camera, hair wash and shave so good value really.

Breakfasted on a plate full of pasta screws which some traveller had left and added the last of grated cheese. Good ennergy giver as road out of Marseille very steep.
Stunning city, manged to get some good photos hopefully. Reminded me of Capetown a bit with moutain surrounds. Good view from Ceasers Chateux I think it was called. Old harbour clearly very old in parts. Got a glimpse of Marseille version of famous Parisian buiding. This one has a gold bit on the front as may the one in Paris?

Very busy city and lots to see, one could spend days there to try and see it all. But ever on, now in Cassis and getting here was one very steep ride. Little expensive place this with good beach and typical yachty harbour.

Must get some grub and get going, now heading towards Toulon. Bike seems to be holding out ok but brakes will need seeing to soon. Descending some of these hills is an excersise in faith as stopping distances with my load are very long indeed so hope evasive action will not be needed.
Cheers for now, must get going.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Simon, It sounds like you are having FUN! Do you have a GPS with you? It would be interesting to get your coordinates from time to time! Steve Winterton
