Monday 13 September 2010

Bloody blog needs editing already!

Change is inevitable, like death and taxes.

As I am keen to get to warmer climates, I have spotted an alternative approach and have this afterneeon booked the following diversion.

The ferry from Harwich looked like costing £80 to £100 with a train connection. Could have cycled there but ticket still in region of £60 to £70 and leaves 0900hrs, making getting there a timing challenge.

So when I spotted a flight to Palma Majorca for £35 from Gatwick leaving tomorrow at 1625hrs, it seemed a better prospect to get me somewhere warmer and a ferry connection to Barcelona (did once spend a day wondering about there on my way back from SA once. I remember big and busy)from there is about £55. Well I've booked and paid for my flight and Tom at Thompsons called the luggage folks who have advised that there is space for my bike in the hold for which they are to charge me the extortionate fee of £25. Still, I reckon I'm about even or quids ahead slightly and this time tomorrow, nearly off.

The blasted maps through Holland and Germany can now me discarded and some Spanish ones to add. No doubt panic will set in tomorrow as there is still much to do. Got some Euros today, Thomas cook had the better rate compared to Barlays or Lloyds, but did not have any Euros, so got some from a nice lady who had been queing (sp?) behind me with some insider dealing. Well, we negotiated inside and I confused the hell out of myself and the nice lady with some calculations using one of Thomas Cooke's desk calculators until we decided to have her ask the counter staff how many pounds she would get. She could have gone over to Horsham from Crawley and sold them back for a better rate but was happy to change 300Euros for £250 which would otherwise have cost me £257.

The inside/r dealing bit might have raised some eyebrows so we ventured out onto the pavement outside and did the dirty BLACK MARKET DEAL.
I had planned to get £1000 worth but the balance of £750 will have to wait for the next opportunity to present.

Just got some travel insurance sorted, had thought of an annual policy but trips limited to 30 days so managed to get a single Europe version for 90 days which will suffice for a while.

My Spanish is zero so will download English Spanish dictionary by Nokia and delete the German version. Available free which is cool, seems though that you are limited with the number of languages, so have to delete one before adding another.

Until next time, Tally Ho.

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