Thursday 23 September 2010


Wondering along the port area I noticed a couple of Barge type sailing vessels here in Se'te. One of which is called Tarzan.

The other is being lived on at present by Benjamin from Marmaris in Turkey. He speaks English well and I had a good chat with him on the warf. He offered to let me stay on board while in Sete and it was tempting. Many Tourists passing thrupough here with caf'es and resturants everywhere. This vessel is used for providing sailing experiences for young socially wayward teens who would hopefully learn from cooperative,communicative, and order following activities necessary to manage this mini sailing ship.

Similar activities are arranged on the few remaining tall ships back in UK I believe.
looks like it pays to be wayward sometimes. Either you pay dearly for an experience like
this or use an asbo for the ticket.

Benjamin advise tgat there are sometimes commercial vessels sailing from here to Turkey, offering a potential short cut to my journey. I wondered over to the port but could not get past security or enquire about any Turkish Vessels or there Captains. Not sure how you are supposed to do that then.

Oh well peddle on.

So here I am having found another freindly MacD's on my way out of Sete. Catch you later.

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