Thursday 30 September 2010

Food and feast for eyes


Its been a highlite for my journey today.

Got quite an early start from St Rafael where I had an excellent pitch for the night with my very own palm tree on a well looked after lawn with usual auto sprinkler system to keep the tent clean.

Un up was pleasent with the lapping shore just yards away.

Soon after I got going, I spotted a fella in wet suite with spear. He is Morgan who lives nearby and works as an engineer for water purification plants having recently completed a contract in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

He had yet to spear a fish but was on his way out again when we met. Hope he caught a good one or two for lunch.

Later, I came across a cycle touring couple John and Vicky from Perth Aus. They had been touring all over France and were soon to be heading back home via Paris.

Then when the call from the sea which throughout today has been just yards away, became too enticing, I stipped off and had a great swim.

Francis Ilari explained that the water temp is around 20 degrees, just very refreshing and plenty warm enough for a swim. He is 93 and can be found daily at the sports beach with its resturant west Cannes. We got chatting, he did mostly with rather good English and a fine view of us poms mostly. He was prefect he tells me before managing one of the casinos here before retiring most likely many years back. He did, as I say most of the talking since he is quite deaf and conversation rather one way but very interesting to be with. He invited me to join him foe lunch which I gratefully did and dined on Salmon, potatoes, tomato, Brocoli, and a beer. All delisiously mopped up with French bread. He insisted on the bill being pkaced on his montgly tab which he accumulates there daily.

Perhaps I have not seen as many coastlines, compared to some folks, but from my point of view, this coast scenery must be one of the most beautiful world wide. Quite stunning, I just hope that my photos do it some justice.

As usual, I snnoped about the ports today and Cannes and nearby had some amazing ocean going sailing vessels proudly showing off their masts next to the Gin cruisers or stink pota as we sailors like to call them.

A lot of the boats are registered in the Caymen Islands as well as the IOM. One was about to head over to Palma and another from ther on to the Behamas. One of these days I may find one heading east through the Suiz perhaps. If I could then be a deck hand or whatever, Heaven is where I'd be. Oh well, one can make wishes.

In fact if I find that all are heading across the Atlantic, it'may not be a bad idea to adjust my directional approach to Melbourne.

So having dined well at excellent value, I carried on and am now in Antibes. It is 1940hrs and I had better move on once again to find another quiet fine lawn somewhere. I am getting used to this nomadic existance and look forward to what the next day will bring.

Expect to be in Italy soon. Mote Carlo here I come. Last time I was there with Julie for a weekend sponsored by Friends Provident who gave me a ten Frank voucher for the casino and within 15 minutes had one about £400 and promptly left while well ahead.

Think I'll steer clear of the casino this time though. Seems as though every other building of size is a casino in this place.

Well then, all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Simon, Nick here ( friend of Boudewyn, South Africa). I'm sure everyone awaits your next blog entry with as much interest and absolute fascination as I do. There are two kinds of people in this world, the talkers and the doers and am happy to say you fall in to the latter. Well done mate for taking the world on wheel first, dying of envy here!!! Keep on posting!
