Monday 20 September 2010

vin and tourist route

Ok, so now I an in a tourist info at Saint Cyprien and have been given a map of this part of Sud de France. I have discovered that there is an old Roman path/road which runs about 120km NE all the way to Beaucaire and beyond so hope to follow its course some od the time. Yesterday evening, I did reach France and found a level patch of stony ground which required a little peg persevere ing (sp?) to get the tent up. This must be a place at the bottom of the hill down from the old boarder where the now defunct Boarder Police building still stand, now abandoned with creeping graffiti At the very top of the hill which marks the boarder, thwre is a memorial to the refugees fleeing Spain from civil war, some 500 000 I believe. Go on readers, please email me with some history of the Spanish civil war, I seem to remember hearing about some bloke called Franco trying to crush peasants?
Slept well and got going around 9am.
Oh! managed to get a good photo off the sun rise this am at about 0730hrs.
I have just heard that there is a library here with wifi so can download this for blog.
I did a sheckle count this am and think that I found €180 left from the 305 I started with. So six days now should have seen €62.50 spent, but I paid for the boat from Palma to Barcelona and €15 for a new back bike tyre so 125-77.50= €47.50 spent till this am. Perhaps at this rate, + can make up for the boat and tyre.
Did have a couple of beers, a kous kous chinese thing and chocalate pudding for lunch, but that all came to estimated €1.60 and I have a doggy box.
The trick is, avoiding resturants and accomodation costs even those catewring foe tents. I was able to stay at a posh Camping site t nighta ago, but managed to share a pitch with Elena a lovely Spanish cycling lady who I met outside a Lidl. I wish my wife Julie could be with me, but the budget would be undwr some pressure, as would the towing up hill requirements be.

Must now look for a patch of grass somwhere as it is now almost dark.

Have arrived at Le Barceres after a quick dip in a quite chilly sea and beach shower. Nice warm sunny day about 25 degrees I reckon

All for now.

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