Wednesday 29 September 2010

A dogs Life

Yesterday, was at Grand Prix Best Western Hotel bar near Paul Richarde race circuit. Very Posh until I cruised in.

Enjoying the coffee though and and comfy chairs. No ruddy Pom newspaper. Free wifi !

Had a good nights sleep but a wee bit nippy this morning as the traffic woke me. The road was very quiet last night except for occasional local racers a couple of which were quite spectacular even in the dark. I heard the screeching of tyres, then one engine roaring while on the tail of something a lot smaller. Most likely ,the little one leading was a Hot Hatch Renault and something like a big BM trying to push it along. I have seen many floral tributes to those travellers along the road who have met their demise, quite possibly racing like these two or having got in the way.

Earlier this morning I must have made quite a contrasting image cycling brightly past a crowd blackened mourners through a little village. They were all walking along behind a motor hearse when an animal drawn one would have been more suitable.

Don't wish to continue with this theme too long, but yesterday my route from the Chateux to the old port lead me straight through the city cemetry of Marseille. I thought Scottish cemetries were a little over the top, but they are nothing compared to this lot. Some very large structures housing, I suppose many generations of families seem to compete with each other in their grandness. Many have clearly been forgotten and even robbed of probably valuable items kocked within. Some of these little houses are big enough for quite cosy bathelor pads and I will perhaps keep that in mind for my onward journey, Most likely kidding.

Lovely sunny day here, I see that temps are holding out back at home quite well but possible rain there today. I laughed at by two tone body when in the bathroom in front of a mirror, first time for some time. Though my stripes are wide apart, a kind of zebra came to mind with very brown tee shirted arms and cycling shorted legs some inches above my knees.

So now will be on my way again towards Toulon passing the race track nearby but no sport there today I believe unfortunately. I have managed to get this far on €178 or €101 if one deduct the cost of ship from Palma and new back tyre. So average is about €7 per day. I reckon to have lost some weight but more from the excercise since I have been far from from starving myself. I put on a little before starting out and explained to the children that it was purposefully planned so that I had some fat to sustain me on my coming journey. A fellow at the beach the other day indicated in gook that my tummy would be very flat indeed once journey concluded. I will try to find some scales.
Cuao for now 28th Sep 1300hrs.

Now 1915hrs wed 29/9/10
Been a long day in the saddle and have been thru more olive groves and vineyards which are great to ride thru when thirsty. I reckon on marketing a new value for money drink. Its called zippy pippy. What you do is stop, zip into the vines and come out ejecting the pippy's. Very thirst quenching and as fresh as can be. Sometimes it isn't nec to zip as when lucky, the vines can be reached from the road, I prefer to take those bunches from harvested vines which are to be left and would wilt if not eaten.
Today my route took me from Pierrefeu.. To Pignans, Le Luc, Le Muy and onto St Raphael where I am now. This afternoon I used route DN7 which was very busy but quite efficient. I came across a mobile caterer alongsside the rd and decided to indulge in a Frog Burger which is a monster hamburger using half a loaf of French bread, salad, chillied mayonase and two burger pieces. This I consumed with a small bottle of local wine which arrived in a green unlabelled bottle and had a pink tinge. I'm certainly no expert but I thought it very good even with sediment.
So that blew €6 which compared to any other bought dishes around here, was very good value indeed.

Then onwards, I came to another great Lidl store and got two beers, a chocolate moose pud, and grand looking apple all for 99 cents. No way you could get anywhere near that for value/cheapness, call it what you like back in Blighty.

Eating out here looks very dear though from menus that I have seen.
I did end up camping next to the supermarket last night. Whilst pitching, the local fuzz shined a bright light on me and I simply asked if I could stay to which they replied ,No Priblem. At around midnight, I was woken by an insistant, quite indignant barking hound who just would not go away. I tried all sorts of dog type expletives. EG Footsack, Basket sounded a bit wimpish especially since I could not remember Basket in French and others I'll not mention. Eventually I had had enough and got my SPD's on (cycling shoes) and must have made quite a spectacle, charging down the road in just my briefs showing off my two toned tanned body in the moonlight ever towards this most suprised and happily terrified woofter. The metal bits attached to my soles make a real clacking noise and quite possibly emit sparks on the tar as speed picks up. They tend to turn into skates though at high speed so care taken, but managed to chase this noisy pest several blocks
away where he or she continued to bark but far enough away for it to be someone else's problem.
In the morning, I noticed how lucky I had been with placing my tent as I discovered to my horror that the lawn was clearly a favourate dumping spot for that and quite possibly other dogs in the neighbourhood. Still, I had happily managed to pitch either side of some unpleasant accumulating lumps.
Managed to get some breakfast at the supermarket and get a wash and shave in their spacious disabled loo.
I could really do with a swim in the sea this evening but thinks its quite chilly so we'll see. I'm in MacD's and ordered a coffee but to my horror, its €1.50 here, 50% more than the last time so I ordered a little one instead, blasted rob dogs. In my innocence, I believed that prices were standardised at MacD's. This one does not have an electric charging point like the last one too.

Well, its nearly 2000hrs so better go and have a look where to lay my head this evening.

I have begun to see signs for Cannes so before long, I will be rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. They wont know what's hit them.
Till next time.

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