Tuesday 7 September 2010

A Wheel Journey ....Somebody said...

A few days now before lift off.  Do a Blog.

What's a Blog?

Hopefully its a way to keep an easily followable track/record  of the intended cranking journey which I plan to begin in six days time.

Flying with the birds, or perhaps not so swiftly but to head SOUTH where hopefully the sun will keep shining.

Here I am in Creepy Crawley in the southern counties of Blighty where the days are shortening so first South then ever East for a good spell and South again with Melbourne in mind via Darwin.  My bike too is idly waiting for its load.

So this record may be added to it bit by bit along the way ideally via my phone or other keyboards along the way.  Distance reckoned to be near 13000 miles which converts to possibly 4 680 000 pedal revolutions averaging 10mph.

Goals are to keep a 50 miles per day average and £10 per day budget.  My route should find me passing through France, Belgium, Holand , Germany, France or Tunnels through Switzerland by rail, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan,India, Burma, Thailand,Malaysia,Australia with hopefully enough time to see some of Vietnam too.

Overland or sea is the plan and alternatives to cycling all the way will no doubt present themselves reminding me of earlier days growing up in SA where distances to school or friends were often more than just a quick pedal, so hiking lifts on pickups improves miles per calories no end.

Max time out is a year and aiming for between 8 months and a year to arrive back home flying from Melbourne via Johannesburg where I hope to leave my bike for other later journeys perhaps.

Tis all for now, there is much preparation to ponder.


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