Saturday, 16 October 2010

All are wheeking and dealing here in Albania

Albania. Arrived earlier this afternoon at the border which suddenly appears through the sticks. I had been travelling in rhe hills most of the afternoon with the occasional village dotted about. There was a queue of around 10 cars so I hopped forward abreast of the passport office and lead car. Obviously some commotion in progress as it seemed as though one or more of the passengers documents were not in order. Much debating and remonstrating prevailed when finally I had my mugshot transferred to their computer via a scanner' then some manual input and I was through.

You are immediately presented with a couple of banking billboards and somme kiosks promoting I don,t know what. Then riding through a rural area with farmstead either sid of the road with curious and friendly folk especially the children keen to greet.

A small town followed which is a jumble of houses from of all sizes. Lots of stalls sellling consumables. A bridge followed over a litter strewn river and a shanty settlement revealing stark poverty. All afternoon I had enjoyed a quieter road through the countryside on the way to ..... which I had thought was to be a sizeable town but turned out to be a hamlet really. One disturbing sight had been the obvious lack of concern about litter which is often an eye sore which much fly tipping evident. Then when I was into Albania at first the area appeared cleaner untill I reached the first settlement of size an in particullar, the river I crossed was ver dissapointing. There appear to be no garbage services for these people who live alongside their own squalor.

There is clearly a massive visible gap here in Albania between those that have wealth and not.

I carried on after enquiring about a room and have reached a large town alonside a river with an unbelievable bridge leading across. It can only take traffic in one direction at a time and is laid with timber planks, many of which are warn, rotting and bowed. The river is wide at least 100m or more. I had at first been directed towards a modern Hotel on the east side ie before crossing, built up on a hill behing a church. Approaching along a small road with washed clothing hanging on fences and small shacks up against the hill with litter everywhere. They showed me to a room but was beyond my budget now set at 10 euros. I looked about a bit and have found a small resturant/motel which has a basic room with light and typically a tele that does not work. I will try to get a coffee in compensation in the morning. Have been of to do some grub shopping after changing 10 euros for some local currency. Could not find any larger stores but found one for
sardines, bread rolls, fruit juice, cheese and a/couple of beers.

Weather through Monte.. Has been quite wet and today no exception. Impressions overall are of stunning scenery mostly friendly folk, street wise dogs never seen on leads or accompanied by their owners. Most annoying for a cyclist though has been the constant hooting from motorists often as they are passing. They also hhot at each other a gret deal. I reckon you could cause a national deptession if all their hooters were removed. I have seen very few cyclists about in Montenegro and a large number of motorists who seem to think that hooting at cyclists helps in some way. Very annoying, often frightening and inclined to encourage swearing. If only thet knew how unnecessary and upsetting it is. One or two lorries appeared to be darnright dangerous with their hooting and passing by dangerously and needlessly to close. Another noticable fact is that if you have ever stopped to wonder what happens to all the old VW golfs in the world, well theu never die,
but find themselves all driving about Montenegro. someone told me the population here is around 650000 but there seems tii be as many vw golfs.

Before leaving Petrovas na Moru where I stayed last night, I stopped at a roadside cafe to shelter from some driving rain and to adjust my brakes. I'll offer a good reward for anyone who can encourage a smile from the blonde lady who runs the place. Its on the right before you reach tge main road, I have rarely met such a sullen individual. Oh well, a cup of luke warm tea and a boiled egg later I reluctantly parted with
1.60 euros before continuing.

A lot of climbing followed today with regular bouts of rain. I reached a town and stopped for a very good value hamburger at 1.30 and at least equivalent to 5 Mac d's burgers back in rip off Britain.

Then as one heads out of town, there is a sign for Sukobin and the small road doubles back very steeply. This rd leads up into the hills inland winding its way through small settlements with lots of mountain streams and gardens full of citrus fruits.
Got going this morning Sat 16th at about 0900hrs, rained all night and persisted. Got small glimpse of sunshine just before entering hotel europa, ontrastingly posh compared to the chaotic but slow moving shambles outside. Saw a very sad looking horse earlier just standing in the road in a daze. Nobody seemed to rake any notice of it whilst just passing around. Quite a lot of cyclists in the city with helmetless moped riders, one carrying a lady who adopted side saddle, it being more ladylike/dignant I suppose. Few people can speak English here with most having Italian as an alternative. Lots of little DIY businesses and driving school cars mostly very old large Mercedes or Audi.
I will now head towards Puke' in the direction of Kosovo.
All for now, its nearly 1200hrs and + must get going.

1 comment:

  1. "Another noticable fact is that if you have ever stopped to wonder what happens to all the old VW golfs in the world, well theu never die,
    but find themselves all driving about Montenegro. "

    Not only in Montenegro but i think the whole ex-Jugoslavia...
